In a recent article written by a colleague over at Cointelegraph, the #11 ranked CounterParty announced...
When we last visited this series, I had established that by using services like Gyft and...
Today’s top dogs are an interesting bunch. With 14 out of the top 20 players all...
Breaking this weeks slump and a grand total of 11 world records along the way, Primecoin...
Leaders keep their eyes on the horizon, not just on the bottom line. – Warren Bennis...
With 55 of the top 100 tokens gaining ground today the worst of the recent market...
As our search narrows, leaders emerge… When we last left off, we had established that in...
…because you gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince? In my think...
The sky is falling, the sky is falling! One look at this weeks Coinmarketcap is all...
Initial Coin offering? Initial Crowdfunding offering? Initial Crypto Offering? Who cares you just want to fund...
This week is off to another tumultuous start. With regulatory news trickling in from across the...
Amid the turmoil of today’s news regarding Russia “banning bitcoin“… again. It seems a good time...
I examine the dollar tracking mechanisms of both NXT and BitsharesX. If a few months ago...
In the world of payment processing the biggest name in the Bitcoin game is almost undoubtedly...
I enter both BitVCs futures contest and 1BTCXE’s trading contest at the same time. Being a...
I take a look at the market implications, what kind of media response we can expect,...
In terms of sheer volume this week BitsharesX remains the one to watch. However tor based...
Last week I took a look at the new BitsharesX platform and tried to make sense...