I smell a mania coming on. I have come to this conclusion not only from careful...

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Working in the Bitcoin world is like working for a drug addict with bipolar disorder. There...

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One of the many issues that has a lot of Bitcoiners periodically soiling their pants in...

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If there were a set of rules such that the people who followed them were rewarded...

In this article I will explain how the size of Bitcoin blocks is determined in the...

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There are two ideologies in the Bitcoin world. They are not political ideologies; they are different...

This year, in 2014, the number of owned bitcoins will increase by somewhere around 11%, or...

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Bitcoin promises extraordinary rewards to early adopters, should it go mainstream. The rewards are potentially far...

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Combined with the emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and...

Most merchants who adopt Bitcoin do not keep the bitcoins they earn but instead sell them...

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From time to time you will see Daniel Krawisz`s comics on Bitcoinist. Daniel Krawisz received his...