The 24-hour Litecoin trading volume is edging close to overtaking that of Bitcoin, as traders and...

The mayor of the Greek island of Angistri has agreed to a trial of the digital...

An international crime expert has labeled London the center of international money laundering, saying the city's...

Digital currencies companies are fighting to provide users with end-to-end platforms, spanning the ever wider range...

The overnight implementation of capital controls in Greece, as the government looks set to default on...

Nasdaq has named blockchain API developer Chain as the first company that will be trialing a...

An anonymous Dutch bank employee has revealed that major banks in the EU are applying new...

Safello has signed a proof-of-concept deal with UK bank Barclays to examine what advantages FinTech solutions...

Analysis of the biennial Payment Innovations Report 2015 from June 17 has described an increasingly successful...

Denmark based exchange CCEDK will be the world’s first exchange to make its order books and...

A new service by Living Room of Satoshi allows Australians to send BTC funds direct to...

Today, the UK government has published a report on digital privacy supporting the compulsory mass collection...

Following the June 3 release of the final NY BitLicence, but the new ruling excludes rewards...

With venture capital investments in FinTech startups booming, at a record US$315 million raised in 2014...

PayPal has published a new set of terms and conditions, reserving the right to “robocall” and...

Former CEO Mark Karpeles warns Mt. Gox's US$500 million loss of funds could happen again, just...

The Blockchain Summit on Richard Branson's private island has attracted digital currency's top names, and even...

A Canadian university will sell books for bitcoins and has installed BTMs to get students accustomed...

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein has described how financial regulation can prevent FinTech startups challenging the...

Coinapult partners with Crypto Capital to reopen in the U.S., meeting state financial regulations.