When the Earth has failed humanity, people turned to Mars to build a better world based...

This article dives into some possibilities of building DApps that will be free-to-use for users but...

Scaling is not an end goal, it’s a process that unfolds throughout the lifetime of a...

Allowing developers to build any blockchain they can imagine simply by writing smart contracts is infinitely...

Diving into some possibilities of building DApps that will be totally free-to-use for users and developers....

Diving into a valuable lesson about building DApps and the architectural evolution of blockchain technology: Ethereum...

Diving into a valuable lesson about building both DApps and blockchains with Ethereum and Steem as...

Understanding what is behind the proof-of-burn consensus algorithm and why it is the next evolution of...

Understanding what is behind the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm and why its invention was an important technological...

Understanding what is behind the proof-of-work consensus algorithm and why its invention was an important technological...

Understanding testents is a critical step in the process of releasing new and innovative computer networks...

From eliminating hard forks to offering feeless transactions, Andrew Levine of Koinos explains why blockchains need...

After examining the upgradeability and vertical scaling crises in previous journeys into the mind of a...

After examining the upgradeability crisis in yesterday’s journey into the mind of a blockchain developer, we...

Hard forks are a terrible way to upgrade blockchains, says Andrew Levine of OpenOrchard in our...