UNS, The right project to participate in this Bull Run

UNS has already pilot projects going on in Agriculture, Education, DEX etc and the rest of the projects are under development
UNS has already pilot projects going on in Agriculture, Education, DEX etc and the rest of the projects are under development

Who on the planet will miss a project based BEP20 Token that has proven 600% growth in just around 6 months after getting listed and has been protecting investors’ interest through its remarkable performance resulting in extraordinary ranking in CoinMarketCap between 500 and 700 with a watchlist of 103000+ and great following community across the globe in almost all major social media platforms? Looks like the BEST USE CASE in CRYPTO EXPO DUBAI 2023 was given to it only because of the traits the token possesses.

It’s none other than UNS, a project based multisector utility token. One must be curious and wondering how this kind of extraordinary growth became possible in such a short span of time. It just became possible because of the evergreen projects that the token depends on like business activities in Hydroponic farms in AGRICULTURE, Online and Offline courses in EDUCATION, Solar Power Plants in RENEWABLE ENERGY, Essential Medicines in HEALTHCARE, own DEX, CEX, BCT PLATFORM and GAMISM for the strong liquidity. UNS has already pilot projects going on in aforesaid Agriculture, Education, DEX etc and the rest of the projects are under development. UNS' own BCT network is capable of processing 2000 transactions per second and can be witnessed in its testnet that is live at https://testnet.unscan.io.

To the question why UNS is taking this kind of a route in BCT industry in Crypto domain, the CEO of UNS Mr.Suresh Sathyanarayanan says, “Not only the traders’ mood swings and the news prevailing in the market should determine the price of a token or coin, but the profits made out of real life projects should back the token or coin and only then can we protect investors’ interest with standard liquidity”. He adds, “Investors’ and traders’ trust over UNS is important for us and that’s why we directly pump the complete profits made in the real life and BCT projects as well to the liquidity pools present in PANCAKESWAP and the centralized exchange/s UNS is listed on through on-ramping method”.

Looks like that’s the reason why UNS branded cars are running in the Hi~Tech roads of UAE with RTA Approval. UNS announced that it’s organising a Blockchain conference called BCT ENTHUSIASTS IN DUBAI from Apr 17 to Apr 2024 for 5 days, it has already invited 100 Blockchain Enthusiasts and Scientists to register their profiles in https://bctenthusiastsatdubai.com through various possible channels and it’s promised that all the selected 100 personalities will enlighten the whole world on emerging Blockchain Technology through their panel discussions and speeches in the conference. Notable point is that, UNS is sponsoring the complete travel, stay and food expenditure to all the100 Blockchain Enthusiasts and Scientists at Dubai between Apr 17 and Apr 21, 2024. All preparations are already on for the event. 900 are the maximum people who can participate in the conference and they’re also given the opportunity to register for the event now itself at https://bctenthusiastsatdubai.com.

People can visit https://uns.technology to see the complete team involved in the unique project with whitepaper and all other stuff anyone needs to do research about.

Watch the CEO of UNS clearly explaining about the project in a crispy manner in just 7 minutes here. Watch here the UNS branded cars moving across the UAE.

Understanding the potential of the UNS ecosystem, so many International Inflencers and National Influencers of different regions across the Globe in the Crypto Domain have already started recommending UNS TOKEN to people in Crypto space. CryptoAman YouTube channels and the respective social media platforms of theirs are consciously supporting UNS so that traders and investors land in safe hands. It’s reported that CryptoAman and many other influencers will soon have collaboration with UNS MOVEMENT to act with the fullest possible potential to take the ecosystem to greater heights.

Traders and Investors have been trading and investing at PANCAKESWAP and the CENTRALIZED EXCHANGE/S where UNS token is listed.