Ties.Network Promises the Enhanced LinkedIn of Crypto-Community

Network enables members to securely connect and transact with top-rated industry professionals.
Network enables members to securely connect and transact with top-rated industry professionals.

As a business tool, Ties.Network enables members to securely connect and transact with top-rated industry professionals. Users collaborate on projects, receive counsel from industry experts and instantly strike deals via smart contracts.

The need for a crypto business platform

The crypto-community continues to emerge and expand into new ventures that include intellectual property, contracts and finance. There is a pressing need to provide a secure vehicle that will allow people to find partners and promote ideas.

Currently, platforms that are specialized in finding and establishing professional relationships do not allow for conducting safe transactions. Users cannot leverage their databases to carry out deals in a secure and transparent environment, launch projects, draw investments, and receive feedback from the expert community.

The LinkedIn of the crypto-community

Ties.Network is a sort of LinkedIn for the crypto-community, complemented by benefits provided by Blockchain technology.

It is a decentralized platform for traders, investors, developers, programmers, consultants and enthusiasts to hire and be hired, recruit partners, employees and volunteers, sell products or services, enter joint deals based on smart contracts, network and promote, finance projects and much more. People can work individually or as teams to accomplish their objectives.

Ties.Network provides a solution to today's inefficient, high cost, and insecure business transactions. The platform is based on trust and innovation, and is supported by the Ethereum Blockchain technology, a "genuine" review and rating system, and the world's first secure, public, and decentralized NoSQL database Ties.DB.

Launching a Blockchain project

Imagine you, as a user, have an idea to start a Blockchain project, but you cannot code and don't know anything about country-by-country laws and regulations surrounding crypto. Other users on Ties.Network would be able to help.

If you need to find country-specific investors for a Blockchain project, but couldn't find them on LinkedIn, this platform is ready to help. Moreover, with so many ICOs and token sales around the world, how would you know for sure which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams?

At Ties.Network, users would be able to find Blockchain experts, developers, and enthusiasts who are ready to accept cryptocurrencies. It also allows them to make well-informed evaluations based on the viability and trustworthiness of professional network since all transactions are recorded in the Blockchain.

Ties.Network's rating system is based on actual parties involved in a transaction, as only those who have conducted business with each other can leave reviews and ratings. The platform doesn't charge users any commission, as its revenues originate from advertising, escrow fees and from fees for storing and retrieving contents.

World's first decentralized NoSQL database

As more Ethereum-based applications and Blockchain projects are emerging on the market, highly-adaptable and well-structured data storage solutions must be made available to the public.

Ties.DB is significant to Ties.Network as the former provides a solid structure for the platform to grow exponentially without having to worry about limited storage and retrieving issues.

The public, decentralized NoSQL database - Ties.DB - allows unlimited data storage, advanced search, and content modification by securing interactions between the nodes. The use of smart contracts in executing payments and transactions exemplifies this feature.

A community of experts and key authorities

Another advantage for using Ties.Network platform is knowing that human assistance is available when needed. Professionally-trained community moderators, who are paid with the revenues generated by the platform, are key individuals with multi-level authorities.

These individuals are able to mediate disputes, ban users with malicious intent, remove illegal projects, delete suspicious transactions, investigate suspicious nodes and users, arbitrate disputes, and further develop the software.

The Token Generation Event (TGE)

Ties.Network CEO Alexander Neymark said, "Ties.Network's most distinguished trait is trustworthiness, which is delivered with transparency, security, and professional conflict resolution. Based on these values, the platform operates with self-organization and motivation, which includes the application of "genuine" rating system, transparent fees structure, and employment of trained community moderators."

Ties.Network has announced the first round of its Token Generation Event (TGE), commencing September 21, 2017, to October 12, 2017. The total emission will be 200 mln TIE tokens with free-float supply of 140 mln TIE tokens.

The TGE cap will be $33,600,000. Accepted currencies are Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). More information, white paper, and business overview are available at Ties.Network.

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