An audit challenge highlighted the benefits of an AI-supported audit’s capabilities and while showcasing human expertise...

This initiative merges AI with blockchain to enhance scalability, security and ease of use for a...

The ASI merger has been delayed to July 15 for technical preparations. Despite the setback, the...

An open-source blockchain extends financial services to underbanked regions through integrated on and off-ramp facilities and...

The Orbit Chain hacker has moved nearly 13,000 Ether, worth $47.7 million, through Tornado Cash, marking...

Crypto hacks in 2024 are projected to exceed those in 2023, with private key leaks and...

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is introducing a smart wallet that offers easy blockchain onboarding, no recovery phrases,...

Hats Finance, a community-focused audit platform that enables permissionless on-chain competitions and bug bounties has joined...

Vitalik Buterin is deemed crucial to Ethereum's future by co-founder Joseph Lubin and industry experts. His...

The European Blockchain Observatory and Forum (EUBOF) report advises the EU on the convergence of blockchain...

The team behind Base memecoin Normie could receive 90% of the stolen funds back from its...

StarkWare unveils ZKThreads, a novel scaling solution to prevent fund lockups and enhance DApp scalability, aiming...

Despite efforts to recover the stolen funds, the hacker moved a large portion to a new...

The integration of AI and blockchain technology promises to tackle common social network challenges like privacy...

Avalanche has begun building a new virtual machine programmed in natural language, which is at the...

Ethereum scaling solutions provider Polygon launched its ZK-rollup platform Miden on testnet.

The Agenda podcast chats with the creator of FanSociety to explore how musicians can use Web3...

Official support for the Yield Protocol ended on Feb. 2, and an attempt to recover the...

Blockaid claimed that its software only incorrectly flags legitimate apps in 0.0002% of cases, which it's...

Prior to the $38 million Series A funding, Movement Labs had raised $3.4 million in the...