Small Washington Town Hit By Mudslide Accepting Bitcoin Donations

Last week the rural town of Darrington, WA was hit by a catastrophic landslide. Over 200 rescue workers are currently searching for survivors in an aftermath
Last week the rural town of Darrington, WA was hit by a catastrophic landslide. Over 200 rescue workers are currently searching for survivors in an aftermath
Op-ed - Small Washington Town Hit By Mudslide Accepting Bitcoin Donations

Last week the rural town of Darrington, WA was hit by a catastrophic landslide. Over 200 rescue workers are currently searching for survivors in an aftermath that covers a square mile and consists of a mixture of mud and debris measuring 15 feet deep in some spots. According to NBC News, there are 17 confirmed deaths and 90 people missing. The death toll is expected to increase Friday evening.

Early Friday afternoon the town posted a Bitcoin donation link on their official website. According to coordinators, donations will cover basic needs “including housing, transportation and medical expenses.”

The donation link was set up by Paden Newberry who lives in Bellingham, WA but grew up in Darrington and has many family and friends in the area. Newberry told Bitcoin Magazine: “I was born and raised near the slide. I knew many of the victims and I was left with a horrible feeling of helplessness not being there when it happened. Setting up bitcoin donations is my way to help the community of Darrington.”

Contributions will be kept at Coinbase until the official donation bank account can be linked. Once that is done, all donations will be converted to USD. Newberry expects verification early next week.