Ripple’s Xpring Opens Developer Relations Forum

Ripple’s Xpring developer platform launches DevRel as an avenue for interaction with developers
Ripple’s Xpring developer platform launches DevRel as an avenue for interaction with developers

Ripple’s Xpring will launch a community web page and forum referred to as “developer relations,” or DevRel, for its developer platform. 

Most of Xpring’s employees work on the engineering and product side of the table, explained a Feb. 1 blog post on the Xpring website. “We think of DevRel as the ears and mouth of Xpring,” the post reads. 

Xpring for devs

Xpring originally functioned as Ripple’s investment branch. In October 2019, Ripple also launched an Xpring developer platform, giving creators a venue for digitizing money. 

Several months later, in December 2019, Xpring added features to its platform, including SDK, which added compatibility for programmers’ apps. 

DevRel for insights

According to the blog post, Xpring mentioned communicating with builders via content, events and support. 

Xpring aims to present developers with helpful materials like sample code and tutorials. The blog post also mentioned hosting conferences, as well as giving technical support, all in an effort to engage the community around the Xpring platform. 

Near the end of 2019, Cointelegraph also covered Xpring’s investments into several endeavors, including Bread wallet and Swedish startup Towo Labs

Cointelegraph reached out to Ripple for additional details, but received no response as of press time. This article will be updated accordingly should a response come in.