OneCoin’s Mirsaitova Under House Arrest For $7 Mln Investor Deceit

A group of OneCoin representatives are facing charges in Kazakhstan for illicitly gathering almost $7 million from investors.
A group of OneCoin representatives are facing charges in Kazakhstan for illicitly gathering almost $7 million from investors.

OneCoin representatives in Kazakhstan are facing fraud charges as authorities say they illicitly acquired over 2.2 bln tenge ($6.97 mln) from investors.

As reports local news source Tengri News, investigators from the country’s Economic Investigation Service are moving to launch “pre-trial proceedings” against representatives of so-called OneCoin partner company OneLife.

Among them is an alleged organizer by the name of Dilbar Mirsaitova. A government press service statement reads:

“It has been established that Mirsaitova D.K. and her accomplices set up a vast network of company agents, who, being active in all regions of the country, were intentionally deceiving investors by pretending to be independent marketing partners of Bulgarian company OneLife, claiming exceptional value of the so-called cryptocurrency OneCoin, sold by them.”

Mirsaitova is currently under house arrest pending the full results of the investigation into the group’s activities, which is ongoing.

The announcement is the second to surface concerning OneCoin in as many days, with Indian police arresting eighteen organizers of an investor meet-up in Mumbai last week.

As part of an investigation into alleged accounts used by OneCoin recruits to defraud investors, police seized $3 mln held in India, while a seizure in Germany netted $5 mln.

OneCoin sources continue to vehemently fight criticism meanwhile, a journalist who published an article about the German raids reporting he had received “several” legal letters from alleged lawyers supposedly connected to the outfit.

Cointelegraph reminds readers that due to multiple warnings from various governments, as well as evidence gathered from previous investigations, it recommends not investing in OneCoin in any form.