Norway Get Its Own Cryptocurrency Exchange, Donates 5% to Charity

Bitcoinsnorway exchange
Bitcoinsnorway exchange is a brand new exchange based in Norway promising fast transactions and low fees. The platform is giving away 5% of the profits to charity, and the beneficiaries are Red Cross, SOS Children's Villages, Mdecins Sans Frontires, and Save the Children.

The website permits members to sell, buy, and hold Litecoin and Bitcoin securely. Bitcoins Norway vows to offer 5% from their profits to honest charity organizations that deal with poverty.

Bitcoin Norway is extremely devoted to their customer service system, and they provide the security and competence required to guarantee the most favorable trading experience.

"Bitcoins Norway works for you! We have the necessary know-how and security practices which are necessary to provide our customers with fast service, and safe trade of bitcoins. Bitcoins Norway is owned by customers and employees of the company. Its goal is to become a decentralized trading platform for digital currencies owned by customers. We are also giving back to society by supporting charitable organizations which help human beings in need."

Bitcoins Norway takes a 0.5% exchange fee while implementing transfers in 24 hours. Those interested will get access to cash straight into their bank accounts in a maximum of 48 hours. Money can only be deposited via bank transfer at this time. The company accepts deposits from abroad as well. All deposits are credited as soon as they are received.

In Norway, both Litecoin and Bitcoin – the top two decentralized digital currencies by market cap – are seen as income, and Bitcoins Norway is willing to take legal actions to avert any attempt of money laundering and fraud. The user-friendly website features an appealing minimalistic design with all necessary information right on the first page.

In the top corner, on the right side of the homepage, you'll find price chart, transaction history, open orders, and updated buy/sell exchange rates. Professionals, day traders, and Bitcoin enthusiasts will be able to purchase, trade, and sell Litecoin and Bitcoin by simply clicking the buy/sell buttons, next to price chart. homepage

Customers are permitted to trade a wealth of coin pairs such as LTC and XBT to USD, NOK, and EUR. The website is accessible in both English and Norwegian. Bitcoins Norway makes us of advanced security features such as cold wallet storage to reduce risk exposure from spiteful hackers.

The company feels the need to give back, thus dedicating 5% of their profits to international charity organizations such as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) - a humanitarian-aid charity that consists of medical professionals willing to work in countries with tremendous war and poverty; they're also supporting Save the Children - an organization that upholds children's rights and offers support and help in development countries.

"By offering 5% of their profits to worthy charities Bitcoins Norway proves to be an ethical, as well a professional contribution to the crypto currency ecosystem."

The launch of Bitcoins Norway shows growing support for the Bitcoin in Scandinavia, which already includes several Bitcoin-friendly countries such as Denmark and Sweden.

For more information go to or check out their FAQ section.


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