New Stellar Foundation Member Would Rather Buidl Than Hodl

One of the Stellar Development Foundation's recent hires said he is personally more concerned with industry growth than trading or holding individual assets.
One of the Stellar Development Foundation's recent hires said he is personally more concerned with industry growth than trading or holding individual assets.

International and Public Affairs professor, Ronaldo Lemos, a recent addition to the Stellar Development Foundation, or SDF, said his personal interests align more with industry growth than asset holding or trading. 

"I'm more into using crypto as a tool to improve public institutions," Lemos told Cointelegraph when asked about his crypto holdings and trading activities.   

Lemos has worked with blockchain for governmental use cases

The professor detailed a specific example of his blockchain endeavors, which includes working on signature verification via blockchain technology.  

 "I am one of the co-founders of, a blockchain-enabled platform that allows citizens to propose draft bills in Congress in Brazil using digital signatures," Lemos said, adding:

"Using Mudamos we have enable at last six new laws in Brazil at state, city and federal levels.

Working with Stellar in the process 

Looking to add general public awareness around Stellar with the team, Lemos expressed excitement in blockchain tech. "With any new technology, it takes time to build the network effects that drive mainstream adoption but it's worth the wait when it has the potential to change lives like Stellar does," he said.

With accessibility issues, as well as other difficulties, the recently added SDF board of director member described the current financial system as outdated worldwide. He pointed toward Stellar as a solution.   

"In addition, from the very beginning of my work in blockchain tech, I have always thought it has a huge institutional potential, such as to build better digital IDs, better KYC processes, and help improve governmental services," Lemos added, referring to Know Your Customer practices. 

Cointelegraph Brazil covered Lemos' Mudamos project in 2019, explaining the endeavor's push for efficiency.