LEOcoin Foundation Releases Full White Paper for New Token

The LEOcoin Foundation has released a full white paper for its digital currency, which details development so far as well as outlining a roadmap for future progress. Disclaimer: This article was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with the firms represented by Bitcoin PR Buzz and is not responsible for their products […]
The LEOcoin Foundation has released a full white paper for its digital currency, which details development so far as well as outlining a roadmap for future progress. Disclaimer: This article was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with the firms represented by Bitcoin PR Buzz and is not responsible for their products […]

The LEOcoin Foundation has released a full white paper for its digital currency, which details development so far as well as outlining a roadmap for future progress.

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with the firms represented by Bitcoin PR Buzz and is not responsible for their products and/or services.

LEOcoinThis white paper offers a background of what the Foundation calls a digital currency for entrepreneurs, made to use in a merchant’s day-to-day business.

The Foundation says its project is “a constant learning process” that involves examining past and present problems faced by Bitcoin and creating solutions “to overcome similar challenges.”

Developers say this process has led them to switch the token’s mining algorithm from a Proof of Work-Proof of Stake hybrid to pure Proof of Stake. The team reports that this change will make the coin more cost and energy efficient. According to them, “anyone with a computer and a wallet containing over 1,000 LEOcoin can now mint the digital currency by staking at virtually no extra cost.”

In addition to its different technical approach, the Foundation is using a different method of dealing with regulators. Instead promoting an anti-authoritarian culture as Bitcoin has done over the years, the Foundation has been approaching lawmakers voluntarily, trying to develop beneficial digital currency regulation.

“These actions will not only benefit LEOcoin,” the Foundation says, “but is aimed at the whole digital currency ecosystem.

The project’s full white paper can be read here.

About LEOcoin

LEOcoin is a digital currency conceptualized by the well-known UK-based entrepreneurial skills training company Learning Enterprises Organization. LEOcoin is a decentralized, easy to use peer to peer digital currency maintained by LEOcoin Foundation, at not for profit Community Interest Company based in the United Kingdom. It is supported by a large community of established and aspiring entrepreneurs, miners, investors and exchanges who are actively involved in building the community and increasing its adoption across the world.

To know more, visit – https://www.leocoin.org/ and http://leocoinfoundation.org/

Download Complete White Paper at – http://www.leocoin.org/media/1027LEOcoinWhitePaper_2016.pdf

Learn about Learning Enterprises Organisation here – http://www.learnearnown.com/

Bitcoin Talk- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1545712.0

Visit My LEO Travel at – https://myleotravel.com

Merchants – http://leocoinmerchants.com








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