How tried-and-tested Web2 models could help Web3 games thrive

Could higher-quality gameplay and a completely free experience allow Web3 titles to attract more users?
Could higher-quality gameplay and a completely free experience allow Web3 titles to attract more users?

Presented by 3VERSE

Play-to-earn games took the world by storm in 2021, and at their peak, some enthusiasts in South East Asia were able to supplement their incomes by getting involved.

However, a crushing bear market and a series of hacks changed all that, and to make matters worse, the tokenomics within top-tier titles were unsustainable, meaning the rewards on offer had to be drastically reduced.

Some gamers are also dismissive of the proliferation of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies, arguing that they take the fun out of the experience by making everything about money. Ubisoft is just one of the big brands that has faced negative feedback from its customers.

Even for players who are open to nonfungible tokens, getting involved can be an expensive endeavor. In-game assets aren’t always cheap, especially when gas fees are factored in. And there’s also the risk of a disappointing return on investment.

As Web3 looks to cement its position as the future of online gaming, some projects are trying to achieve the best of both worlds — building on the successes of Web2 titles while offering a higher degree of personalization through NFTs.

Many of the biggest games over the years — including Fortnite and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive — managed to reach mass audiences for two reasons: They offered a quality experience, and they were free to play.

Now, one Web3 title is vowing to tick both these boxes, and has warned that user numbers in this nascent sector won’t grow unless games offer thrilling and affordable experiences.

Source: 3VERSE

Source: 3VERSE

No need to reinvent the wheel

3VERSE allows players to use profile picture NFTs to battle others in a competitive, turn-based strategy game that is easy for beginners to understand but challenging to master.

The 12-strong team behind the project believes that Web3 projects should make full use of tried-and-tested models, and put gameplay at the heart of everything they do.

3VERSE is already available on mobile devices and web browsers — and crucially, it’s completely free to play. Ryan Teo, founder of 3VERSE, said the team has strived to create a game where players don’t need to spend a penny unless they want to buy loot boxes or cosmetic enhancements.

While there is a play-and-earn element to the game, it’s of secondary importance — and the title is also open to people who don’t own crypto, wallets or NFTs.

Teo explained:

“Having built through the bull and bear markets, our aim at 3VERSE has always been to monitor the different hype cycles and ever-changing meta but never to blindly follow anyone.”

“We’re excited to see that our commitment to building a game based on solid gameplay fundamentals is paying off as we continue to provide real utility to multiple communities even during this market cycle.”

Source: 3VERSE

Source: 3VERSE

Continuous development

3VERSE allows players to battle one-on-one or two-on-two, with regular tournaments being held. According to the team behind the game, this has led to an influx of new users attracted by the prospect of playing with their friends. Future upgrades will allow gamers the chance to team up and battle enemies powered by artificial intelligence.

Learn more about 3VERSE

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