Education with a Sexy Wallet: An Interview with Pheeva’s Lamar Wilson

Lamar Wilson
Lamar Wilson

Lamar Wilson has made exciting steps in cryptocurrency so far. His passion for Bitcoin education and business development led him to create 212ths, in addition to Love Will LLC, which creates apps for the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market.

Most recently, he created the Pheeva Hot Bitcoin wallet, which has seen considerable praise from the Bitcoin community.

Lamar is keen to spread the word about Bitcoin constantly and we caught up with him to find out how his projects are developing.

CT: What inspired you to move into developing crypto-currency tools like the Pheeva wallet?

LW: Freedom is the leading reason behind my desire to create the Pheeva wallet. Bitcoin or digital currency in general encompasses a freedom with my money that we currently do not have with the dollar or any currency in particular. Accessibility would be another reason. For third world countries, being able to complete transactions swiftly and securely is a game changer for many families across the world.

CT: Someone tweeted about Pheeva that "finally there is a working iOS Bitcoin wallet with accurate QR scanner". What would you say really sets Pheeva apart from the rest in such a rapidly-growing market?

LW: Pheeva is a sexy wallet. And by sexy I mean that not only does it look good but the ease of use is sexy to our patrons/ members. I designed the wallet to stand out amongst the rest with bold colors and a simple interface. Our hot wallet was constructed with the idea that it would be so simple your grandma could use it.