World’s First Bitcoin Brick and Mortar Swap Point to Open in Uruguay

The world’s first Bitcoin store in Uruguay
The world’s first Bitcoin store in Uruguay

The First National BNAK announced that it will be opening the world’s first Bitcoin store in Montevideo, Uruguay. The Cofres (safes) swap point will be the first-of-its-kind Bitcoin and Swiftcoin brick and mortar location where people can go to exchange crypto-currency in over the counter fashion with an actual teller.

This old-school approach may be just what the private digital currency needs to develop further as the average person still does not understand exactly what Bitcoin is, let alone how to buy, sell or use it for everyday things.

Chartered Market Technician and the founder of the Cofres Bitcoin swap point Daniel Bruno said:

"Clients have more peace of mind meeting the people involved in transactions and knowing there is a well-capitalized business more substantial than a web page or internet avatar backing up the integrity of trade and commerce. People should not have to be computer geeks and internet security mavens to take advantage of digital money.

This literal over-the-counter swap point will help reduce the opacity and mystery of digital currencies. It’s time to take digital currencies mainstream. At Cofres Bitcoin, located at Plaza Independencia 823, Montevideo, local and international clients can meet real people with or without an appointment. All the hype notwithstanding, most people still have never actually used Bitcoin or even know how to get it.

The popularity of P2P digital currency is increasing by the day with more than 12 million bitcoins in circulation and the number of blockchain users recently surpassing the 1.6 million mark.