DAO adopts Web 3.0 technology to democratize climate change mitigation initiatives

Too much rhetoric dominates climate conservations; one organization is changing the narrative
Too much rhetoric dominates climate conservations; one organization is changing the narrative

There's no denying the fact that global warming jeopardizes humanity’s present and future. There have been numerous initiatives to stem its progress worldwide, including 26 Conferences of Parties (COP) meetings since the Rio Earth Summit of 1992. 

So far, two features have characterized those major initiatives and agreements like that. First, there's been an overreliance on the politicians and big businesses to drive the agenda. Secondly, the meetings have tended to over promise action but underdeliver on the implementation front.

The result? A significant global population feels excluded from deliberations on such an important matter. Additionally, the sustainability push has moved in fits and starts, scarcely achieving its objectives. To make progress, this situation needs to change, a challenge that Earth Fund has taken up. 

Getting to know Earth Fund

The Earth Fund is a climate-conscious decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that champions the inclusion of everyone in climate conservations and has adopted Web 3.0 and blockchain technology to achieve that. 

Alex Vergara, Earth Fund's community and communication lead, speaking on the DAO's mission, shares, "We're building Earth Fund to become a platonic ideal for how we can work together to fight climate change." 

The DAO lays a strong emphasis on democratic participation. Vergara emphasizes that the Earth Fund community will "follow the science, vote transparently and democratically, prevent any outside influence, and fund the worthiest projects that can make the biggest impact."

More insights from earth fund

To the Earth Fund, the future of sustainability lies in decentralized efforts that will draw citizens passionate about this conservation. The Fund presents an alternative to centralized efforts like the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26).

The platform’s community will have access to experts who'll help them vet worthy projects to support and fund. One such expert is Lucy Tweed, the organization's climate science advisor.

Lucy explains what separates Earth Fund from other platforms: "Earth Fund is the total opposite to billionaire-funded foundations, or to the typical black-box style charitable giving where you're not entirely sure where your money ends up going. Earth Fund is giving money directly to projects on the ground in a totally transparent way," they say.

Earth Fund has teamed up with the KuCoin exchange to issue its native cryptocurrency, The 1Earth Coin, an ERC-20 cryptocurrency that provides utility and governance, lets users become the DAO’s member, and gives a right to vote on the key platform issues.  

Achievements and plans

Earth Fund has made strides in the last year, including reaching the 200,000 membership milestone, “thanks to the COP 26 fiasco,” and doubling the impact of OCO Crew, a global reforestation and carbon capture project.

The platform intends to further develop its efforts, like launching testing its DAO's UX and introducing custom tools and integrations. Further, it aims to launch its Discord channels and upgrade its crowdfunding tools.

Learn more about Earth Fund

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