Yamakoshi village’s experimental NFT strategy could attract attention from other developing nations facing declining birth rates,...

AssangeDAO member Silke Noa reveals that $37 million in Ethereum has been spent on Julian Assange’s...

HectorDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, has filed for Chapter 15 Bankruptcy in the United States following...

Gabriel Shipton claims that the funds raised by AssangeDAO are being held by a German charity...

PleasrDAO, the owner of a one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album once owned by Martin Shkreli, has filed...

The Arbitrum Foundation is investing $215 million in ARB tokens to boost the gaming industry through...

The Uniswap Foundation has delayed the vote on UNI staking and delegation rewards due to a...

Cristiano Ronaldo released his fourth nonfungible token collection in partnership with Binance.

The Sandbox has launched its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with a 25M SAND treasury, allowing SAND...

Aave and MakerDAO have had a long-running rivalry that recently reopened after DAI indirectly added exposure...

This blockchain event is shifting to a DAO structure, allowing community members to directly govern and...

Centralized instant messaging apps are plagued with censorship, outages and data security concerns. Here’s how decentralization...

Supporters of a more than $5 million MNGO buyback plan managed to enact their plan, but...

Decentralized derivatives exchange front-end Infinex is targeting a May 13 launch pending a final vote from...

Supported by significant investment, this innovative DeFi ecosystem integrates advanced AI technologies and decentralized governance to...

This decentralized finance platform seeks to help users navigate the DeFi landscape with AI and permissionless...

The proposal to create Sushi Labs as a central managing entity has received substantial support on...

The SushiSwap DEX protocol is embroiled in internal chaos and infighting again amid a controversial governance...

Users are advised to revoke the delegate approvals with open positions as unpausing the protocol may...

The decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) protocol SushiSwap has been at the center...