Central European Bitcoin Expo 2014 to Hit Vienna in May

Central European Bitcoin Expo coming soon
Central European Bitcoin Expo coming soon

Exactly in 72 days the Central European Bitcoin Expo of 2014 is going to be launched. The planned event will be open for visitors for two days – the 31st of May and 1st of June, exactly on the shift between spring and summer. The conference claims to be the first to introduce the ideas of Bitcoin to the Central Europe.

The chosen venue is very futuristic and easily accessible, being in the heart of whole European continent - Austria Center Vienna. The tickets have very reasonable prices – for a single day 120 euros, both days cost 150 euros (early bids – just 100 euros). The happening features a two-hour long lecture on Bitcoin basics hold for free, but it requires preliminary registration and filling out of forms on the homepage.

The speakers are always the main attraction of every similar event; some names have been already revealed by the organizers. Among them are – Adam Vaziri of Diacle Ltd., Dan Held from the Blockchain, PhD Stephani Murphy, a scientist, TV-show host and active Bitcoin user, Meghan Kellison-Lords, a writer and activist.