Blockchain Technology Will Help Companies Manage Mobile Workers

These days, expanding a company’s workforce is not done in the same manner it was done a few decades ago. Rather than ensuring these is enough space for additional desks, and cramming in as many people in one room as humanly possible, mobile workers are the new hot commodity in the business world. At the […]
These days, expanding a company’s workforce is not done in the same manner it was done a few decades ago. Rather than ensuring these is enough space for additional desks, and cramming in as many people in one room as humanly possible, mobile workers are the new hot commodity in the business world. At the […]

These days, expanding a company’s workforce is not done in the same manner it was done a few decades ago. Rather than ensuring these is enough space for additional desks, and cramming in as many people in one room as humanly possible, mobile workers are the new hot commodity in the business world. At the same time, this new paradigm poses a fair challenge, as organizing mobile workers is not the easiest thing in the world.

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Taking The Entire HR Service Package To MobileBitcoinist_Jobber

Society has always found a way to route around problems without too many issues. The mobile aspect of everyday lives is becoming a key problem for many companies, as hardly anyone is used to applying business tactics to the new mobile lifestyle. Luckily for all parties involved, there are developers working hard on creating a more convenient ecosystem.

In fact, if things are left up to companies like Jobber, the entire concept of Human Resources can be transferred to a mobile version. By providing mobile applications, online invoicing, scheduling tools, and simple customer management tools, all of the necessary tasks for day-to-day operations can be completed with a mobile device.

To this day, there are still businesses relying on pen and paper solutions for all of their Human Resources needs. It is hard to picture anyone filling in stacks of paper by hand, yet it remains one of the most preferred ways to conduct day-to-day business operations. Although computers may provide a far better solution, there are certain drawbacks to be found as well.

The era of computers also meant companies had to provide ample space to store all of this hardware. As computers became smaller over time, less space was needed. But in this day and age, company staff would rather work from home, or while they are traveling if needed. This new breed of mobile workers created a gap that has to be addressed with new technological solutions.

As the working class is expected to complete more tasks in the same – or shorter – period of time, filling out paperwork is not helping matters much. Jobber can help reduce this time sink by as much as several hours per week, creating room for more productive tasks. But whether or not the current mobile technology will be sufficient to keep track of everything and everyone, remains to be seen.

Blockchain Technology for Real-Time SolutionsBitcoinist_Blockchain Tech

One of the things coming to mind when dealing with mobile applications is data security. Mobile devices are not as secure as we would like them to be, and cloud storage is not the best option when it comes to collaborative platforms. Blockchain technology can help in this regard as it can be adapted to serve as a collaboration tool.

But that is not all, as blockchain technology can serve many different purposes; Storing and sharing files, record management, accounting, and so much more can all be done over the blockchain. Plus, blockchain technology is a far more secure solution, as there is no central point of failure, while still respecting user privacy;

What are your thoughts on the role of blockchain technology for mobile workers? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Jobber

Images courtesy of Jobber, Shutterstock