BANKEX Aims to Boost Asset Liquidity for Businesses

BANKEX merges the concepts of Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS), Proof-of-Asset (PoA) protocol and distributed technology to enable information to be passed in real time using a blockchain.
BANKEX merges the concepts of Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS), Proof-of-Asset (PoA) protocol and distributed technology to enable information to be passed in real time using a blockchain.
- BANKEX Aims to Boost Asset Liquidity for Businesses

This is a sponsored article provided by BANKEX.

Business is a constant flow of transactions, which are actions with assets. It can be buying, selling, exchanging, renting, lending, pledging, assigning rights, granting licenses and so on… And the easier and faster the transaction is, the better. Ease and speed often depends on the degree of liquidity of the asset involved in the transaction. The reasons for low liquidity might be the following:

Multiple asset owners — this creates barriers in which effective communication is needed so that a common understanding can be agreed upon.

  • Assets are spread so wide that there is a lack of transparency around how cash flow is generated by assets.
  • There are often long timeframes between when projects are launched and when they achieve desired liquidity.
  • Regulatory barriers obstruct non-public companies from entering financial markets or raising funds from public investors.
  • Tracking the lifecycle of an asset through cash flow is difficult.
  • There are clear complexities in asset withdrawal as well as high legal and accounting expenditures from asset transfers at peak profitability.

Enter BANKEX, a technology poised to solve the issues of asset liquidity by increasing asset auditing in real-time, decreasing the price of evaluating an asset for a particular deal and increasing the speed at which a deal is realized such as selling, loaning and sharing.

BANKEX merges the concepts of Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS), Proof-of-Asset (PoA) protocol and distributed technology to enable information to be passed in real time using a blockchain.

BaaS is a model that enables fintech services to be offered without the need for brick-and-mortar financial institutions. Through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) and a refined technical process, BaaS unleashes unexplored possibilities for financial products in various business sectors.

The ushering in of this new model comes at a time when fintech is evolving at an unprecedented rate. The decentralized BaaS model coupled with the use of smart contracts could solve the problem of trust for traditional banks.

By utilizing the PoA protocol, BANKEX supports companies in successfully getting access to global capital with the ISAO procedure. This value for investors also includes the ability to track portfolio profitability and boost income. As a result, this protocol will be widely available for third-party fintech providers — including artificial intelligence (A.I.) and Internet of Things (IoT) labs — and traditional financial institutions, along with the broader community of asset owners.

The BANKEX PoA protocol can ensure increased liquidity of any asset while allowing it to be used as an investment tool. The technology is executed through a process called “tokenization,” which protects sensitive data through an algorithmically generated number called a token.

Tokenization is similar to how a website address represents an IP address on the internet. Through its protocol, BANKEX is able to convert the rights of an asset into a digital format on the blockchain, making it globally available to be traded on an asset exchange. BANKEX tokens have both utility and security — serving as a gateway to the platform while being backed with real-world assets. To tokenize an asset, the company must ensure that said asset generates cash flow.

This guarantees a high level of financial, legal and tech oversight throughout the tokenization process for any business at any level of maturity. The blockchain undergirds this process, ensuring that all data becomes uneditable, irreversible and always available to confirm proof of the assets’ existence and state.

BANKEX Applied to the Real World

BANKEX is offering a new level of fintech solutions to a broad range of entities, from corporations to young entrepreneurs. The aim is to assist businesses in funding their projects through the combination of new technology coupled with the power of the global investment community.

The following hypothetical case of a retail chain store is just one example of how BANKEX’s Proof-of-Asset protocol can be applied to a wide variety of industry sectors comprised of both small and large companies.

John has a small retail chain that he would like to expand by franchising to other cities. His business model is profitable and already consists of five stores working under his franchise agreement. Supported by BANKEX, John issues tokens that are backed by revenue from new stores. This should guarantee profit in new stores by allowing token holders to purchase products with their tokens. He has installed a cash register that will be able to update the sales results of every store. Token holders will receive a return on their investments, in some cases holding enough tokens to take part in decision making. John’s business will become more attractive as BANKEX solutions assist him in opening new stores throughout the country.

BANKEX Due Diligence

With its Head Office in New York, business development office in Singapore, strategic partnership in Tokyo and engineering team in Moscow, BANKEX offers innovative fintech products and services with far-reaching implications, including applications within the traditional finance and investment sectors, micro-financing, real estate as well as access to historically illiquid assets, natural resources, and futures markets.

BANKEX is a member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. EEA members include financial and technology companies and funds such as JP Morgan, UBS, MasterCard, Intel and consulting companies such as Accenture. BANKEX is meanwhile honored to count Balanc3, a ConsenSys formation, as advisors.

BANKEX has also formed a number of strategic partnerships with prominent industry players including Microsoft; Symphony Software Foundation; Soramitsu; the Entrust Group; Chronobank; and the Moscow Exchange (MICEX).

BANKEX has already announced a collaboration with MovieCoin LLC. led by Hollywood Oscar-winning producer Christopher Woodrow. By utilizing smart contracts and BANKEX's proprietary Proof-of-Asset protocol (PoA), smart asset MovieCoin will allow institutional and individual investors to invest in the motion picture industry.

The BANKEX token sale started on November 28, 2017. As of December 1, BANKEX has raised more than $35 million USD. The company is listed among the top 50 token sales in the world.