In regions where the internet is slow or unstable, using Bitcoin’s Lightning Network can be a...

Lightning transaction app Strike announced cash back rewards for users, giving returns on purchases thanks to...

After rolling out its Strike app to public beta and partnering with Visa on a debit...

Strike is an application that allows you to transact with Lightning payments with just a debit...

We asked leading builders of the Lightning Network what growth for the second layer protocol looks...

Zap’s Olympus would have let users buy bitcoin with fiat on the Lightning Network. A new...

Bitcoin Magazine’s Week in Review for week of September 21st, 2019

Zap wallet will soon let you buy bitcoin in the app and deposit the sats directly...

This week in the Lightning Network brings Zap’s first fully operational version, Lightning Labs’ new LND...

A new point-of-sale (PoS) app released by Zap allows merchants to independently accept transactions on...

New York realtors looking to avoid hiccups in their commission payouts can now turn to...

Saudi Arabia’s Aramco Oil Company Wants to "Blockchain Up" Ahead of the U.S.

Just as smart contracts brought DApps to Ethereum’s network, the Lightning Network is primed to bring...