Australia will crack down on cash freedom while dedicating over half a million dollars to blockchain...

The European Central Bank (ECB) claimed Bitcoin is “not the answer to a cashless society” March...

Bitcoin looks to become the biggest beneficiary of increasing money digitization as countries, such as Sweden,...

Bitcoin is king in 2016, but Sweden’s unpopular plan to create its pioneering digital currency ‘eKrona’...

Bitcoin’s amazing rise continues to break records, setting an all-time high market cap and reaching for...

Amsterdam has introduced the “Contactless Payment Jackets” for beggars, an electronic payment system that allows people...

As the deadline for handing in India’s decommissioned 500 and 1,000 rupee notes arrives, the government...

The Bitcoin Blockchain has enabled millions of workers in India to receive bigger paychecks in Indian Rupees through...

Pakistan has announced plans to remove its largest currency notes from circulation as Bitcoin buying has...

There are more than just bitcoin price spikes and capital gains that stemmed from the ongoing...

Australia is mulling the idea of decommissioning its highest value banknote in what appears to be...

Venezuela has announced the sudden withdrawal of its highest-value banknote, replacing it with coins ahead of...

India’s Bitcoin surge continues with exchanges reporting record trading and new user numbers for November and...

India is touting biometric security as the next step in payments, shunning cash and cards in...

A shortage of new notes in India following sudden currency reforms means workers’ first payday comes amid...

The bitcoin price is approaching the highs it hit in June, sitting around the $744 USD...