Oracles are critical in decentralized finance for bridging real-world data with blockchain networks, yet challenges persist...

Prior to the arrival of spot Bitcoin ETFs, there was no ETF that was able to...

Arkham has claimed to identify the on-chain addresses of spot Bitcoin ETFs by BlackRock, Bitwise, Fidelity...

One or more spot Bitcoin ETF issuers will start disclosing their wallet addresses as the ETF...

Spot Bitcoin ETF issuers are legally required to report BTC holdings and are not interested in...

Arkham’s ARKM has surged 30% amid Binance announcing an undisclosed investment in the token to support...

Blockchain allows charities to provide donors with a detailed breakdown of their contributions, showing how each...

OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, says Bitcoin helps solve corruption, while popular podcaster Joe Rogan believes Bitcoin...

Google and other major platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all had to update...

The proposed conditions make it so that AI cannot be considered a writer, and any material...

South Korea’s Financial Services Commission announced a new bill aiming to require all firms that issue...

The revocation of the ban required ChatGPT to reveal its data processing practices and implement age-gating...

The exchange will be winding down services for Canadian users over the next seven days, from...

Lai said the industry needs native solutions and was “built on technology that enables trustless transactions...

Does crypto media need a code of ethics? The Agenda podcast explores the topic with Molly...

PFP NFTs have seen a lot of adoption over the years. Can NFTs be valuable in...

Smart Stake will no longer be providing validator services to the Secret Network in light of...

The last movement of the ETH tokens in question dates back to October 2018, when the...

According to the exchange, the new proof of reserve feature is available to users with trading...

Internet security has been a priority for users for decades, but with the rising popularity of...