A New Orleans political consultant has been indicted for sending AI-generated deepfake robocalls impersonating US President...

Blockchain-powered telecommunications firm World Mobile is using a balloon in a pilot project to provide connectivity...

SK Telecom’s vision to launch a blockchain wallet for cryptocurrencies and NFTs dates back to July...

Vodafone Digital Asset Broker and Sumitomo have completed a proof-of-concept that could use blockchain technology to...

Somalia’s Ministry of Communications and Technology has banned Telegram, TikTok and gambling site 1XBet to fight...

The team hopes to eventually integrate Communities with other Web3 protocols, allowing users to access their...

German telecommunications firm Deutsche Telekom will become a validator and staker for Ethereum layer-2 scaling protocol...

Although foundational to our interconnected world, the traditional telecom industry is riddled with challenges, from security...

Experts are warning about the potential for the misapplication of the RESTRICT Act, which was recently...

Access to the internet and mobile services is not as widespread as most think, and blockchain...

The Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) issued a notice to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) asking them to...

In his critique, Liron Shapira highlighted that Helium is making minimal revenues despite its funding, while...

Ava Labs’ partnership will allow Togg to store vehicle maintenance and parts information over the Avalanche...

A blockchain platform run by am Indian telecom provider BSNL has onboarded 7,477 businesses amid new...

KT Corp announced an e-document initiative that aims to reduce carbon emissions by 129.6 billion tons...

Verizon puts its corporate news on the blockchain in a move toward increased accountability.

Security analysts are urging national governments to upgrade their telecommunications infrastructure to protect against SS7 attacks...

South Korean insurance giant KB Insurance plans to implement a blockchain-enabled mobile message delivery system for...

American telecoms giant Verizon Wireless incorporates new blockchain-backed security features

Telecom giant Telefonica partners with the local Association of Science and Technology Parks to grant to...