James Fennell Tempelhof, war zones old hand and Chief Griffin of Bitnation, on how Nation States...

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, Founder and CEO of Bitnation, on how smart contracts can lower costs of...

Some experts believe cryptocurrency with it uniqueness is the answer to ending involuntary taxation and can...

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, CEO and Founder of Bitnation, about a new application on the Ethereum Blockchain...

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, Founder of Bitnation, on Bitcoin’s being at a crossroad.

Women in Bitcoin are taking a stand and making themselves known in what is still a...

The repetitive phenomenon of the fall in price of Bitcoin, coinciding with the meetings between the...

With 2016 marking four years since the last halving, what FinTech companies should we look out...

Because of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, the global economy flourishes without the normal limitations of nationalities...

Cointelegraph approached knowledgeable industry people with the question "what bitcoin projects are you looking forward to...

There has been a pronounced growth in the number of Bitcoin wallets. Considering this and the...

A new cryptocurrency called Decred is currently in development from a group of Bitcoin developers. What...

Companies and services using Bitcoin are poised to rise to the top of the US to...

Bitnation in partnership with Swarm is developing a proto-constitution, or what it referred to as a...

E-Residency program and BITNATION launches public notary service in Blockchain available for Estonian e-residents worldwide.

A decentralized project called Refugee Emergency Response was recently launched by Bitnation to help resolve the...

A new decentralized space venture has recently begun, formed by a recent partnership with BitNation and...

Blockchain governance system Bitnation came under the spotlight this week when its crowdsale was unexpectedly postponed....