Bitcoin price is clinging on to $18,000 after setting a new all-time high but failed to...

Bitcoin rose on Friday as traders refused to bow down before Steven Mnuchin decided to end...

Last year, Wells Fargo ceased to allow its customers to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, citing...

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wants cryptocurrencies to be regulated under existing rules for electronic...

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin forewarns “more regulations” on cryptocurrency.

Fundstrat Lead Analyst Thomas Lee shared his worst nightmare on Twitter and it involved the U.S....

Now that the U.S. Congress and Senate have finished their hearings with Facebook, U.S. Treasury Secretary...

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin touched upon Bitcoin and Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency in a Monday press...

So asked fund manager, Ross Gerber, on Twitter, without giving so much as an ounce of...

The Venezuelan Petro’s alleged astronomical success could be under threat as US President Trump puts plans...

The cryptocurrency market has largely operated free from regulation since Bitcoin first came about in 2009....

The cryptocurrency sky fell yesterday as 49 of the top 50 coins (by Market Cap)...