The Decentralized Recovery Alliance confidential information management organization has expanded its membership with blockchain organization Ripple....

Hardware wallet firm Ledger is rolling out its paid and optional private key recovery solution based...

Hardware crypto wallet provider Trezor has released the new Trezor Safe 3 wallet, in addition to...

There are plenty of horror stories describing how unsuspecting holders have lost their bitcoin. Avoid them,...

The victim had around 90 ETH worth of NFTs and other assets drained after the hacker...

The tool’s developer, known only as Entero Positivo, said the normal way of storing a crypto...

Having two different firmware to eradicate “backdoor” concerns “wouldn’t change anything,” Larchevêque added.

Ledger’s move to make your seed phrase available to third parties could appeal to both governments...

Ledger did make private seed phrases on its wallets recoverable — but it was an innocent...

The developer also said that using a wallet requires “a minimal amount of trust.”

A Bitcoin wallet cracking challenge underscores the importance of seed phrase security.

The Koboruto stainless-steel backup can protect your bitcoin seed phrase, even in the event of fire...

Binance CEO CZ saw the video and warned investors about learning the various risks involved in...

A wireless device called a hotspot, or helium miner, uses radio technologies for HNT minting and...

The new SeedQR format allows users to store their private key seed phrases as QR codes,...

While you might only know seed phrases as 12 or 24 words, there are a variety...

Using patterns to remember bitcoin seed phrases is a useful tool which can come in handy...

In this product review. I took a look at Cryptotag's titanium backup solution for self-custody using...

This guide to using a bitcoin hardware wallet explains everything you need to know to securely...

Preserving your Bitcoin wallet recovery seed is critical to self sovereignty. Here’s how to do so...