Nvidia will launch its AI technology in Middle Eastern data centers owned by Qatari telecom group...

The Central Bank of Iran is launching the digital rial CBDC in a public pilot targeting...

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams penned a letter opposing a motion that could allow former Ethereum developer...

CEO Harry Halpin of Nym, a privacy-focused project, remarked on the draconian sentence handed down by...

U.S. Senators Lummis and Wyden have disputed the Justice Department’s interpretation of money transmission licensing requirements...

Two U.S. senators called on the Biden administration to provide information about possible ties between the...

USDT-issuer Tether says it will block payments made to OFAC-sanctioned entities after Venezuela’s state-run oil company...

Former Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith’s attorneys have requested a resentencing that could shave a year off...

The crowdfunding for the Tornado Cash legal battle was canceled by GoFundMe, citing a breach of...

The SEC is seeking to dismiss its case against Debt Box as it faces possible sanctions...

Contributors on X cited a February 2022 report from the U.S. Treasury on crypto in a...

The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury announced additional sanctions against entities allegedly...

Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm Baidu faces potential US sanctions over the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA’s)...

UAE’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority added FATF’s Travel Rule compliance to its AML Rulebook as part...

The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced a $1.2 million settlement with CoinList over...

Four members of the U.S. Senate backed a bill aimed at expanding Treasury’s authority to include...

Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Wally Adeyemo hinted at action against stablecoin providers and other...

The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control alleged Sinbad served as a “key money-laundering tool”...

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit claimed in their appeal that the U.S. Treasury Department exceeded its...

United States Undersecretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Alan Estevez says the U.S. is considering...