DARPA, in partnership with numerous labs from the private and public sector, published pre-print research into...

The World Economic Forum issued a warning about the impending threat posed by quantum computer systems...

Mathematician Massimiliano Sala published an article through Ripple's university lectures program indicating that blockchains could be...

Harvard physicists successfully conducted an experiment using 22 miles of existing fiber optic cables to network...

Quantum computers will be able to crack today’s main cryptographic algorithms employed by the whole internet,...

Quantum computing could compromise the SHA-256 algorithm — the cryptographic hash function that serves as the...

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin says that the Ethereum network could be made immune to a quantum...

Apple has upgraded iMessage for iOS 17.4 to feature quantum-resistant encryption.

Oxford economist and mathematician David Orrell gave a recent interview discussing the future of quantum economics....

Experts in Europe predict there will be no “quantum winter” in 2024 as government investments and...

Scientists from the Flatiron Institute and New York University developed a method by which a classical...

The U.S. Air Force has partnered with Purdue University spinout Quantum Research Science (QRS) in a...

Quantum computing company Quantinuum recently closed a $500 million funding round at a valuation of approximately...

MIT/Harvard spinout QuEra plans on releasing a quantum computer with 100 logical qubits and 10,000 physical...

A team of DARPA-funded researchers led by scientists at Harvard, with support from QuEra Computing, MIT,...

Moody’s Analytics and quantum solutions firm Multiverse Computing announced the launch of QFStudio and the Quantum...

IBM delivered an updated roadmap and a trove of information on the company’s planned endeavors in...

Meta AI boss Yann LeCun recently said there's an AI war and Nvidia's hardware are the...

Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) recently announced the launch of Toshiko, a 32-qubit quantum computing services platform,...

IBM and the University of Tokyo continue the partnership between Japan and Big Blue while Alibaba...