Bitcoin and Ethereum might be capturing the most mainstream media attention as the two largest cryptocurrency...

McAfee ghosts his own Ghost project.

The British-American entrepreneur admitted his privacy-oriented project Ghost borrowed from open-source anonymity coin PIVX, but apparently...

John McAfee’s anonymity-oriented Ghost project plagiarizes PIVX blockchain in “at least 20 of the 26 total...

Cryptocurrency PIVX denies allegations that its blockchain was vulnerable to a bug, as consulting firm Lunar...

Since Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled his cryptocurrency, we’ve witnessed a proliferation of digital cash companies and codebases....

For the top 10 altcoins, the fight between the place under the sun never ends. This...

Confidentiality of information and security of transactions are some of the benefits of anonymity. What it...

A fork of Dash, Private Instant Verified Transaction, (PIVX) embarks on a process to change the...

PIVX (Private Instant Verified Transaction), formerly known as Darknet offers an upgraded DASH v0.12.0.x clean fork...