As the US government seemingly starts to loosen its grip on the crypto industry, New York...

New York Attorney General, Letitia James, made an important announcement on Thursday regarding resolving a case involving...

Bitcoin exchange platform Bitfinex has issued a court filing refuting claims by the New York Attorney...

On July 8 the office of the New York Attorney General submitted a report detailing Bitfinex...

The New York Attorney General’s Office may have new legal grounds in its pursuit of Tether...

Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex has secured a temporary reprieve in its ongoing legal tussle against the New...

According to court documents revealed in the proceedings between Tether, Bitfinex and the New York's Attorney...

Bitfinex, an exchange that lost the second largest amount of bitcoin to date, has withdrawn an...

US cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider Coinbase defended its business practices yet again this week after...