In addition to serving nation states, JAN3 Financial extends its expertise to private enterprises, family offices,...

Prince Philip sits down to discuss his vision for nation state Bitcoin adoption, and the role...

In 2022, nation state Bitcoin adoption accelerated, setting the stage for even more progress this year....

As countries compete to attract well-heeled Bitcoiners, the orange wave appears increasingly seductive.

While Bitcoin certainly isn’t here to enable the elite class, their adoption is likely to come...

Bitcoin miners are the next level of power projection as they reinforce an incorruptible network that...

Brazilian congressman, Fábio Ostermann, sees bitcoin as a means to make tools of the state obsolete...

A conversation about Bitcoin’s ecological footprint, why Bitcoin is such a big organism and the shift...

What is the current setting of nation-state monetary dependency, and where could Bitcoin take us?

HODLing the keys of a nation state might not be simple, but it's the first step...

As bitcoin gains traction in becoming the world reserve currency, why are globalists ignoring it? Whatever...

Like the printing press before them, the internet and Bitcoin’s blockchain innovation are irrevocable forces driving...

The President of Liberland, a small self-proclaimed microstate on a patch of land between Croatia and...