Choosing the right software wallet is the first step toward storing crypto securely. Other steps include...

Internet Computer Protocol smart contracts will soon be able to etch Runes, trade BRC-20 tokens and...

Smart contract wallets promise many benefits to Ethereum users, including enhanced security capabilities and transaction programmability....

DeFi protocol has called arb traders to return as much as $1.4 million after a...

Off Exchange has been implemented by institutional trading firms QCP Capital, Blocktech and Zerocap, who are...

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitget has released a new MPC wallet to improve the security and user experience...

Gitcoin has lost $460,000 from its DAO treasury after it was mistakenly sent to an unrecoverable...

Chainlink sparked backlash from critics after adjusting the number of signatures required to authorize new transactions...

Address poisoning attacks involve linking personal data to blockchain addresses; avoid them by practicing wallet privacy...

In an episode of the Bankless podcast released on June 29, Vitalik Buterin said that he...

Previous integrations include BitGo, Gnosis Safe, Parfin and Hex Trust.

The chief technology officer described Casa as an “extreme-security cold-storage setup with distributed keys.”

PactDAO co-founder Marisa Rando explains the basics of mutual aid and how crypto and blockchain technology...

Multisignature solutions eliminate single points of failure and mitigate counterparty risk–a substantial raise for a Bitcoin...

Safeheron said it is working with app developers to patch the vulnerability, and is making its...

You can’t hang the fate of your decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on a single point of...

Multisig security measures used to protect funds on smart contracts are inadequate according to Derek Yoo...

“ROAST is a simple wrapper around threshold signature schemes like FROST. It guarantees that a quorum...

More than $2.3 billion worth of ETH was moved into the Gnosis storage safe in one...

Almost one-third of the entire Bitcoin supply is secured with a feature that gained adoption after...