Meta is working on smartglasses with full field-of-view holographic displays and a neural interface you can...

Microsoft researchers identified a new "Skeleton Key" prompt injection attack that has the potential to remove...

A U.S. judge has rejected Meta’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit by mining billionaire Andrew Forrest...

The Sandbox platform promised to enhance gameplay options with its new multiplayer rules system, which is...

Meta Platforms faces 11 complaints from EU countries over its AI data use policy changes. ...

Elon Musk and Meta's Yann LeCun have evidently escalated their social media feud over artificial intelligence,...

Argentine President Javier Milei is on a Silicon Valley tour meeting with top tech CEOs, including...

Lower Bitcoin market volatility often heralds the onset of significant bull runs, suggesting that the current...

Microsoft and Google’s Q2 earnings reports revealed significant revenue and profit increases, driven by AI integration...

Meta announced Meta Horizon OS and open partnerships with third-party companies to develop hardware and software...

Meta’s Q1 2024 earnings show it’s upping its AI spending and will keep funding its metaverse...

Social media giant Meta is getting closer to releasing a consumer neural interface that uses brainwaves...

Meta launches Llama-3 and a new Meta AI portal, claiming its new model is the most...

Meta is launching a metaverse for education to complement its VR business products and services. ...

Australian prosecutors have reportedly dropped Andrew Forrest’s lawsuit against technology giant Meta over the appearance of...

An Australian court has dismissed a suit filed by billionaire Andrew Forrest relating to the use...

The CMA’s paper highlights the consistent involvement of Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta and Apple (collectively known...

A hybrid application of VR and the metaverse looks promising, especially in work settings.

Regional government initiatives, researchers and industry leaders are paving the way for further metaverse exploration in...

Meta recently posted record quarterly revenue despite losses for metaverse R&D.