Kim Dotcom set to launch an IEO on Bitfinex for a project that will improve the...

Kim Dotcom says the leaked Vault 7 CIA data will “hurt the US tech sector” and...

Kim Dotcom faces extradition to the US where the Megaupload/Bitcache creator still faces 13 counts for...

Kim Dotcom has revealed the reason for delaying his Megaupload 2/ Bitcache unveiling was due to...

The release of Kim Dotcom’s BitCache and Megaupload 2 (MU2) has been said to be a...

Kim Dotcom: “We are all really excited about taking Bitcoin to the next level.”

Cointelegraph gives you the latest progress report on the future mainstream website application that Kim Dotcom...

Investment in Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload 2 and Bitcache slated for this week will be Bitcoin-only as...

Lisk touts its potential as a blockchain platform that is capable of handling projects of various...

This morning, on Twitter, Kim revealed more information about his upcoming Bitcoin-based Megaupload 2.0 release.

World’s most wanted tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom announced that Bitcoin and Megaupload are having a baby...

The Dutch National Police have taken an interest in Blockchain-based cloud services. A presentation given...

Roughly one year ago the FBI forcibly closed Megaupload and proceeded with criminal cases against...