Singapore authorities advise against paying ransom to Akira ransomware and recommend immediate reporting and cybersecurity measures....

The Akira ransomware gains initial access of victim organizations through pre-installed virtual private networks (VPN) that...

Info-jacking malware is reportedly draining Bitcoin wallets from video game cheaters.

Hackers have reportedly targeted major internet companies in an information-stealing raid, offering access to data on...

The authorities raised concerns about commercial crypto draining kits, which allow novice cybercriminals to arm up...

Crypto malware refers to malicious software that is designed to exploit computing resources for the purpose...

Blockchain security firm CertiK and crypto exchange OKX have prompted all OKX users on iPhones to...

Google says the scammers have used this Bard AI scam to obtain social media login credentials...

Cybercriminals prefer Binance’s BNB Smart Chain to executive its EtherHiding attack. Analysts explain why.

Cybersecurity firm Guardio has detailed a novel attack vector harnessing Binance smart contracts to host and...

North Korea’s Lazarus Group are baiting employees with trojanized coding challenges to compromise the network of...

A recent discovery by security experts has revealed the existence of a malware that specifically targets...

The crypto space, long viewed as particularly vulnerable to cyber criminals due to its nascent stage,...

Cybersecurity firm Group-IB discovered a zero-day exploit in the popular file compression software WinRAR, which has...

In recent times, there has been a noticeable decrease in conventional ransomware attacks, as various enterprises...

A new and challenging form of malware dubbed “Realst” currently targets macOS and Windows users, posing...

Security analysts at Meta warn ChatGPT and related AI tools have become the new breeding ground...

A new malware has been identified by security experts, which specifically targets MacOS devices. The malware...

Since Dec. 2022, the two malicious files — MortalKombat ransomware and Laplas Clipper malware threats —...

To protect against crime in the metaverse, take precautions, such as using secure passwords, and report...