The co-founder of Tornado Cash, Roman Storm, has filed a motion to dismiss the charges levied...

Amidst growing concerns of illicit activities involving cryptocurrencies, reports have emerged linking North Korean hackers associated...

Lazarus Group, an infamous hacking group of an unknown number of cyber criminals allegedly run by...

In a startling revelation, the North Korean hacker group, Lazarus Group, is reportedly behind the recent...

Last month, Ahmad Wagaafe Hared, a young hacker based in the United States, was ordered to...

A well-known North Korean hacker group has once again made headlines this week, as federal authorities...

In a recent statement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) alerted the crypto industry about suspicious...

The global rise of crypto has opened new opportunities for innovation, investment, and unfortunately, cybercrime. As...

CoinsPaid, a cryptocurrency payments company headquartered in Estonia, has raised suspicions that the Lazarus Group, a...

Cryptocurrency processing platform CoinsPaid has resumed operations after suffering a significant hack last week. The event,...

Euler Fianance protocol was attacked almost a week ago, which resulted in a loss of more...

As Web3 and crypto go mainstream, several decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms have fallen victim to hacking...

Crypto hacks and scams have become prevalent, and cryptocurrency platforms must be one step ahead to...

North Korean hackers stole more cryptocurrencies in 2022 than in any previous year, according to a...

North Korean hackers are taking it a notch higher by pretending to be venture capitalists to...

In recent months, North Korea has stolen over $300 million worth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies...

Hackers from North Korea has reportedly found a new victim in DeBridge Finance, a cross-chain interoperability...

According to Chainalysis, 2019 saw a rise in cryptocurrency exchange attacks, with hackers getting better at...

The U.S. Treasury has announced sanctions targeting North Korean cybercrime syndicates responsible for over $2 billion...

The United Nations has launched a probe into 35 cyber attacks linked to North Korea, including...