Colorado residents will be able to pay their state taxes in cryptocurrency by the middle of...

Jared Polis, the Governor of Colorado, has signed a cryptocurrency-friendly bill exempting digital tokens from state...

The Canada Elections Act does not prohibit political entities from accepting cryptocurrency contributions. But it lacks...

Many leaders in Oregon are bullish towards blockchain. They’re hoping Oregon can become a prime location for...

A number of blockchain-focused bills have been making the rounds in California’s State government. Elected officials...

U.S. Representative Jared Polis (D-Colorado) has been a fan of cryptocurrencies for a while. Now he’s...

Using Bitcoin to buy everyday things, such as a burger, could trigger a tax bill from...

Republican Bitcoin proponent Congressman Mick Mulvaney is the surprise pick for Donald Trump’s Office of Management and Budget chief....

Companies that met with Congressman Polis included AlphaPoint, Blockchain, Case, Chain Code, Digital Currency Group, itBit,...