Rapper 50 Cent says his X account and website were hacked before posts were made promoting...

An Australian court has dismissed a suit filed by billionaire Andrew Forrest relating to the use...

Elon Musk’s X is showing year-over-year decline, while Threads and Instagram embrace a new decentralized future....

Facebook and Instagram suffered a service outage on March 5, Super Tuesday in the U.S. election...

In a recent statement, Meta’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company’s Virtual...

Meta's new policies require users to disclose and label AI-generated content with the potential for "penalties"...

Social media platforms have become data refineries, extracting user information with little regard for privacy or...

Web2 platforms have been the main way for creators to share their work for years, providing...

Coinbase Wallet users can now send crypto via links on social media and messaging apps.

Meta is introducing two AI-powered generative models for video generation and image manipulation

The CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled the company’s new AI assistant Meta AI, which...

User ownership and control are among the cornerstones of Web3. SocialFi reinforces this approach with projects...

99% of users on Web3 social media platforms are clicking the exit button at first instance...

According to sources close to the matter, the purpose of the chatbots will be to offer...

Instagram will launch Threads this week, but it remains to be seen if the Twitter-centered crypto...

The report calls on social media platforms to implement stricter conditions in their advertising policies and...

The upcoming app will maintain a Twitter-like centralized feed, allowing users to view content such as...

Regulators in Germany say that NFTs cannot yet have a sweeping classification and will be looked...

Meta, the parent company of social media giants Instagram and Facebook, has announced that it will...

Big Tech player Meta Platforms is “winding down” its NFT-related features as it moves attention to...