Amidst economic turmoil and stringent regulations, citizens in countries like Argentina and Venezuela have turned to...

The International Monetary Fund believes that digital money, both private and public, could help the world’s...

Nigeria vs. Binance, new crypto policies in Australia, the SEC’s probe into Ether, and other major...

The recommendations made by the IMF could become part of the upcoming bailout package under Pakistan’s...

IMF’s recommendation to monitor crypto assets was given medium priority. Andorra will be able to use...

CEOs have signaled possible layoffs due to AI amid an IMF analysis finding AI could impact...

From Thailand to the Eastern Caribbean, the CBDC experience has been one of government waste. So...

A self-described anarcho-capitalist, Milei has vowed to do away with a number of government agencies, even...

The executive believes that CBDCs can replace cash, offer resilience in advanced economies and improve financial...

During almost 10 minutes of the presentation, Georgieva didn’t make a single mention of crypto or...

High-level recommendations include cross-border cooperation and information sharing between regulators.

The official emphasized the necessity of considering the cross-border issue regarding CBDCs from the outset and...

The assessment matrix concluded that El Salvador’s Bitcoin use poses market, liquidity and regulatory risks. ...

The IMF and the FSB laid out potential policy responses to risks associated with financial...

India urges its counterparts to stretch the future regulatory approach to the digital economy beyond the...

The International Monetary Fund has again urged the Marshall Islands against legalizing decentralized autonomous organizations, although...

The IMF, or International Monetary Fund, renowned for its extensive research and analysis in the realm...

The International Monetary Fund has released a working paper examining the opportunities and challenges presented by...

Understand how the IMF promotes global financial stability and provides policy advice, financial assistance and technical...

The International Monetary Fund has suggested governments may not necessarily want to ban cryptocurrencies and advocated...