Hardware crypto wallet firm Trezor is proactively improving self-custody onboarding by launching dedicated onboarding sessions.

The device was announced in December 2022 and was initially scheduled to be rolled out in...

Custodial wallets may be easier to use, especially for newcomers to cryptocurrency, but they are more...

Vodafone is working to rollout a cryptocurrency wallet integrated in a smartphone SIM card.

In a statement on X that counters the prevailing wisdom among crypto enthusiasts, Ethereum founder Vitalik...

Durov said he avoids venture capital (VC) investments to prevent external influence on how Telegram operates...

Casa’s new self-custody inheritance feature will support multi-key vaults that allow benefactors to inherit BTC, ETH,...

The authorities raised concerns about commercial crypto draining kits, which allow novice cybercriminals to arm up...

Trezor users have reported seeing a new wave of phishing emails, this time coming from Trezor’s...

Prominent hardware wallet company Trezor has revealed a security breach involving unauthorized access to the platform...

Crypto wallet imToken is communicating with the Monetary Authority of Singapore to unlist the firm from...

Regularly following market trends and news is essential for new investors to understand the current state...

An investigation by Rekt Builder has raised concerns about the extent of data collection by Ledger...

The tracking program cannot be disabled or blocked without breaking the software, REKTBuilder reported.

Ledger crypto wallet to reimburse users following Connect Kit exploit

Launching today across more than 95 countries spanning six continents, Bitkey aims to empower users by...

Since Binance acquired Trust Wallet in 2018, the crypto wallet firm has been seen as Binance’s...

Atomic Wallet sought to dismiss a class action suit in a U.S. court arguing it has...

NGRAVE, a digital asset security provider, offers user-friendly, self-custody solutions that combine offline key creation with...

Crypto recovery firm Unciphered has called on former Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas to allow it to...