As of May, AntPool and Foundry USA controlled more than 50% of Bitcoin's hash rate. That...

In a resolution to one of the most talked-about blunders in recent history, F2Pool, a prominent...

19 mining pools including F2Pool, Poolin and Nanopool have signed up for PoW Ethereum mining after...

The price of ASIC miners is likely to continue falling in the near future, according to...

The Bitcoin Taproot upgrade has scaled the lock-in phase with 90% of the network hash rate...

In an echo of the Bitcoin Genesis Block, F2Pool encoded a money-printing headline into the first...

Digital Currency Group's Foundry produces 2% of the total global hash rate.

This week's volatility may come down to a tug-of-war between miners selling and Grayscale buying.

Where can you mine Bitcoin and Ether in 2020? Here are the top tips about mining...

F2Pool returns about $500,000 in abnormal ETH transaction fee to its sender after encountering the issue...

A single mining pool managed to mine six consecutive blocks on the Bitcoin network, raising the...

Bitcoin’s hash rate hit an all-time high of 117 EH/s in early 2020. But the reasons...

If the bitcoin price drops further, mining may become largely unprofitable. But the Bitcoin hash rate...

The block size debate is among the most contentious discourse in Bitcoin, having spawned numerous community...

Co-founder of the world’s sixth largest crypto mining pool has published a list of break-even price...

Mining service Nicehash hacked, over $60 mln in user funds stolen.

A brief history of SegWit2x, and consequences of its cancellation.

SegWit2x appears to have made an enemy of South Korea’s Seoul Bitcoin Meetup, which has confirmed...

SegWit2x fork receives a huge blow as New York Agreement signatory F2Pool ceases signalling for the...

The future of the hard fork looks increasingly shaky as F2pool signals it has stopped supporting...