In a recent blog post on The ECB Blog, European Central Bank officials Ulrich Bindseil and...

As history has shown, incumbent powers can control the narratives around their inherently-inferior solutions.

ECB President Christine Lagarde declared that inflation "came from nowhere,” yet Bitcoiners know this isn’t really...

Yield curve control is the next saga in the global monetary policy experiment. What does it...

One of cryptocurrency’s most notable use cases is enabling instant cross-border payments. That’s why the Central...

Amazon, the American multinational technology company, has been chosen by the European Central Bank (ECB) alongside...

A recent note from JPMorgan Chase suggested the bank realizes that bitcoin isn’t going anywhere. But...

The European Central Bank (ECB) released a report on Tuesday, May 24, that stated that one...

Jerome Powell and Christine Lagarde don’t agree on every point during their IMF “debate.” We analyze...

The European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde called for quick approval of crypto regulations as war...

Discussing the latest central bank news, emerging financial risks in Europe, Japanese inflation and more.

Discussing Jerome Powell's reinstatement, a European debt crisis, the rising dollar and more through a Bitcoin...

Reviewing the major monetary policy changes from the world’s central banks this year, it’s clear that...

European Central Bank presidential nominee Christine Lagarde appears open to cryptocurrency and aware of its potential...

German blockchain startup Bitwala has launched crypto banking in Germany.

Germany has just got its second Bitcoin ATM in Frankfurt, home of the European Central Bank,...

Cryptocurrency advocates continue to hit back at fresh criticism of Bitcoin from the European Central Bank...

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) briefly cautioned on the impact of cryptocurrency as part of a...

The European Central Bank has no intentions of issuing a central bank digital currency. According to...

The small Baltic nation of Estonia has backed down on its plan to create a national...