Tether has introduced a new gold-backed stablecoin pegged to the USD Alloy that will be minted...

In a significant legislative development, the President of the United States has been granted extensive powers...

A new U.S. law grants the President the power to block digital asset access, sparking concerns...

The English Football League participant is aiming to sell 10% of the club’s equity to investors...

Fairshake, a U.S. pro-crypto PAC, receives a second $25 million contribution in two days, showing growing...

SEC Commissioner Hester Pierce proposed a safe digital asset sandbox space for crypto companies in the...

Legendary footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is set to release his fourth NFT collection on Binance on 27...

Fireblocks and Taurus are among crypto firms expanding services to meet institutional demand for digital assets...

The U.S. Treasury’s Strategy for Combatting Terrorist and Other Illicit Financing includes new measures for addressing...

Music Data NFTs are transforming artist control and audience interaction by allowing musicians to update, manage...

Documents reveal SEBI’s recommendation for the distributed regulatory oversight of cryptocurrencies in India.

Investing giant Vanguard has named Salim Ramji as its new CEO, who happened to oversee the...

Galaxy Digital’s net income climbed 40% in the first quarter of 2024, buoyed by record-breaking revenue...

CoinShares’s revenue, gains, and other income reached 43.9 million pounds (~$55 million) in the first quarter...

Digital securities platform Securitize has completed a $47 million strategic funding round led by BlackRock, indicating...

Micah Yeackley, co-founder of Kula DAO, explains that tokenizing real-world assets can span across multiple asset...

A new Web3 marketplace is targeting the fine wine industry using blockchain technology to reshape wine...

Bayly’s recommendation for an in-house CBDC contradicts the viewpoint of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand...

BoE and FCA launch Digital Securities Sandbox for DLT testing. The 5-year initiative may shape new...

In a recent court filing, the US district court has ruled in favor of the Federal...