Balancer, a prominent decentralized finance (DeFi) liquidity protocol, finds itself in the spotlight following an alarming...

Cypher Protocol, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Solana Blockchain, fell victim to a...

Curve DAO faced a significant setback as millions of CRV tokens were pilfered just moments before...

In a shocking turn of events, the cross-chain router protocol Multichain has been targeted in an...

DeFi lending protocol, Sturdy Finance has lost nearly $800,000 in ETH to an attack. The protocol...

The  “white hat” hacker accused of withdrawing over $1.59 million from the Arbitrum-based decentralized finance...

Another decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol has fallen prey to an exploit. The Harmony protocol had been...

Cream Finance is the latest Ethereum DeFi protocol to suffer another hack. The attackers had used...