Billionaire Peter Thiel predicts limited growth for Bitcoin, questioning its cypherpunk origins.

Vitalik Buterin wants to “Make Ethereum Cypherpunk Again.” We asked industry insiders what that entails and...

Software developer Jameson Lopp calls for improved self-custody and more on-ramp avenues tom drive Bitcoin adoption....

This publication’s decision to auction off its magazine covers as Ordinal inscriptions sparked debate about how...

In an animated crypto story with Bitcoin OG, Dr Adam Back, viewers are taken on a...

Pete Rizzo and Dan Held discuss the release of the Bitcoin white paper and how the...

Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin...

All revolutions have their dogmas, and the cryptocurrency/blockchain insurgency is no different.

Szabo explained the history of philosophical and technical work by the cypherpunks that led up to...

Comparing Bitcoin to barbed wire from Timothy May’s “Crypto Anarchist Manifesto” can give insight into the...

Regardless of any political affiliations of its developers or community, Bitcoin is an independent platform for...

AssangeDAO members explain how the power of a DAO can be leveraged to free Julian Assange....

How Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin project married the concepts of digital cash and digital gold and how...

Anonymous comes to the defense of bitcoin and crypto investors, but blockchain doesn't need the help....

In the last months we have witnessed an upswing in the non-fungible token (NFT) art...

In this episode of the Bitcoin Magazine Podcast, Jim Epstein discusses his "Cypherpunks Write Code" miniseries...

Things are not as they appear when it comes to Bitcoin

The extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be seen as a threat to free speech,...

The speculation is rising, but it’s just about impossible to prove

%%excerpt%% We, Bitcoiners, are all dissidents in the Old World of trusted third parties. By using...