North Korean government-backed hackers are targeting cryptocurrency exchanges and fintech firms in Brazil, aiming to hijack,...

The EU Innovation Hub’s first report on encryption explores the dual-use nature of cryptocurrencies and the...

Critics frequently call fiat and Bitcoin unethical, but some experts say currency is neutral; the people...

Elliptic’s 2024 report reveals how AI is increasingly used for sophisticated crypto crimes, from deepfake scams...

In a move signaling a global shift, China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have forged...

The $68M address poisoning scammer was unveiled through “digital evidence,” including IP addresses and device fingerprints,...

Based Doge memcoin protocol was attacked through a similar method as the Normie protocol one day...

According to a BIS study, 71% of surveyed central banks use generative AI for cybersecurity, with...

Alex Protocol has recovered $3.9 million worth of funds after it was exploited through a private...

Nigeria’s Interpol and experts team up to combat cybercrime with blockchain intelligence training, tackling virtual asset...

An unnamed Gains Network fork possessed two security flaws that could have allowed attackers to gain...

Telegram’s integration of the TON blockchain and its native Toncoin token has become a honeypot for...

In an April 6 post on X, ZachXBT shared several images of emails and physical letters...

NIST is investing millions to build a robust cybersecurity workforce in the United States, aiming to...

Some smaller accounts on X believe that Musk’s recent move incentivizes the “rich,” while others urged...

While Tether (USDT), the world’s leading stablecoin, has been pivotal in facilitating transactions across the blockchain...

The U.S. DOJ and FBI have seized approximately $1.4 million in USDT allegedly connected to fraud...

So far, concerns have escalated over the use of cryptocurrency by sanctioned groups and terrorist organizations,...

Darknet markets experienced a notable uptick in cryptocurrency revenue, reaching $1.7 billion in 2023.

China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate targets rising cybercrimes, focusing on blockchain and metaverse offenses.