The European Council issued a press release on January 18 declaring that the European Council and...

The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission has begun to consider cryptocurrency regulation, but a clear framework...

Learn about the current state of cryptocurrency regulations in South Korea, including the government’s stance and...

Learn about the current state of cryptocurrency regulations in South Korea, including the government’s stance and...

The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission has begun to consider cryptocurrency regulation, but a clear framework...

Among the leading Southeast Asian nations in crypto adoption, Singapore and Thailand have embraced a pro-crypto...

In New Zealand, all aspects of digital currencies and services are regulated by current technology-neutral legislation....

Asian countries offer disparate crypto regulatory frameworks. Here’s an overview that will help you understand their...

Cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has been taking heat from national regulators this year. Just two days ago,...

Germany’s financial regulator has released guidelines classifying crypto as financial instruments. This move further expands the...

Financial regulators in Malaysia have published guidelines for crypto initial exchange offerings (IEOs). As part of...

Valdis Dombrovskis — the European Union’s (EU) finance commissioner says crypto regulation will be a major...

Fresh reports have revealed that France wants to block Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency in Europe. Meanwhile, financial...

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has appointed Ryozo Himino, Japan’s top cryptocurrency regulator, as the new...

Speaking on the topic of cryptocurrency regulation, U.S. Securities and Exchange (SEC) Commissioner Hester Peirce says...

With Libra under intense scrutiny, U.S. lawmakers are having to understand the difference between bitcoin and...

Goldman Sachs-backed cryptocurrency startup Circle says lack of clarity from U.S. regulators about digital assets is...

The central bank of Bahrain (CBB) has issued regulations for businesses engaging in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency-related...

Regulators in Malaysia have released an amended set of rules for businesses engaged in trading Bitcoin...

Russian economist, Vladislav Ginko, says Russia is looking to invest $10 billion in Bitcoin as the...