Pakistan’s FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) has announced that they plan on obtaining a court order from...

The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) set up to look into bitcoin and cryptocurrency regulations in India says...

Allianz CEO has called on global regulators to outlaw cryptocurrency, contradicting the company’s chief financial advisor,...

The Supreme Court of India has formally set a deadline of two weeks for the government...

Google will, once again, allow advertising for regulated cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States and Japan...

Cryptocurrency traders in China appear to have found numerous ways to circumvent the nationwide ban on...

The High Court of Zimbabwe has lifted a ban on cryptocurrencies in the Southern African country....

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is facing a lawsuit from a cryptocurrency exchange in the...

Six months ago, South Korea — one of the largest cryptocurrency markets in the world —...

Even though Thailand has not banned the use of cryptocurrencies in the country, its central bank...

South Korea cryptocurrency users are voting en masse against the country’s prospective trading ban and demanding...